General Services Administration
GSA Standards for Modular Vaults
International Vault products are manufactured to the most stringent security standards, including the modular vault security standards set forth by the US General Services Administration.
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AA-V-2737 Modular Vaults
1.1 Scope. This specification sets forth the general requirements of a modular vault system and is intended to comply with the minimum standards for security equipment as required in the Information Security Oversight Office, Directive No. 1, National Security Information. A vault as covered by this specification is a six sided structure providing a minimum of 15 minutes of protection against a multilevel tool attack. The system includes modular panels, attachment and connecting devices necessary for assembly of a vault. The specification defines the procedures to be used to determine the resistance of the vault to a limited force entry.
1.2 Classification. The modular vaults shall be of the following types and styles, as specified.
1.2.1 Types
Type I – Lightweight
Type II – Heavyweight
1.2.2 Styles
Style A – Six sided
Style B – Five sided
AA-V-2940 Vault System, Armory, Assembled
1.1 Scope. This specification sets forth the general requirements of an assembled armory vault system for outdoor use. A vault as covered by this specification is a six sided structure providing a minimum of 15 minutes of protection against a multilevel tool attack.
The system includes panels, attachment and connecting devices necessary for assembly of a vault. The specification defines the procedures to be used to determine the resistance of the vault to a limited forced entry attack.
AA-D-600D Security Vault Door
1.1 Scope. This specification covers security vault doors which are designed to conform to the minimum standards for physical security equipment as required by the Information Security Oversight Office Directive governing the safeguarding of national security information. The doors provide protection against unauthorized entry for the periods of time specified in 1.2.1.
1.2 Classification. The vault doors under this specification shall be of the following classes, types, styles and designs, as specified (see 6.2).
1.2.1 Classes
Class 5-V – Vault door shall be resistant to 20 man-hours surreptitious entry, 30 man-minutes covert entry and 10 man-minutes forced entry.
Class 5-A – Armory door shall be resistant to 30 man-minutes covert entry and 10 man-minutes forced entry.
Class 5-B – Ballistic door shall be resistant to 20 man-hours surreptitious entry, 30 man-minutes covert entry, 10 man-minutes forced entry, ballistic resistant.
1.2.2 Types
Type IR – Right opening swing; with optical device.
Type IL – Left opening swing; with optical device.
Type IIR – Right opening swing; without optical device.
Type IIL – Left opening swing; without optical device.
Type IIIR – Double leaf; active right opening swing.
Type IIIL – Double leaf; active left opening swing.
1.2.3 Styles
Style H – Hand change combination lock.
Style K – Key change combination lock.
1.2.4 Design
Design S – Single lock.
Design B – No exterior hardware. (Types I and II only)