In the realm of unyielding security, International Vault stands as an emblem of ballistic resilience and military strength. Embark on a journey through the fortified excellence of International Vault’s offerings, revealing how products engineered for military and high-security applications transcend boundaries, proving exceptional in a myriad of fields.
Custom size AA-D-600D Vault Door
International Vault’s unwavering commitment to surpassing stringent government standards becomes the cornerstone of a narrative that extends beyond conventional security solutions. Trusted by the Department of Defense and federal agencies, the focus is on fortifying security for classified information, munitions, weapons, and sensitive equipment.
Commencing with the Class 5-V Vault Door rating, these doors stand resilient against 20 man-hours of surreptitious entry, 30 man-minutes of covert entry, and 10 man-minutes of forced entry. A testament to military strength, these doors offer an unyielding defense for safeguarding classified materials, laying the foundation for a narrative that unfolds into diverse applications.
Continuing the exploration, the Class 5-B rating emphasizes ballistic resilience against entry attempts. International Vault’s military-grade assurance extends beyond traditional vault doors, showcasing the adaptability and strength required for diverse applications.
Transitioning to the Class 5-A rating, the emphasis shifts to armory doors safeguarding weapons, narcotics, evidence, and precious objects. While GSA Class The strength embodied in armor becomes the bedrock of military-grade security, underscoring International Vault’s commitment to protecting critical assets.
Inside Modular Armory
Our Modular Armories showcases International Vault’s innovation in crafting mobile strongholds. These pre-assembled structures, designed for military and police use, carry a GSA-approved AA-V-2940 rating, symbolizing reliability, ease of access, and superiority over their steel counterparts.
Linking the strength demonstrated in ballistic resilience to the versatility found in International Vault’s offerings, it asserts that if the applications are acceptable for military and high-security areas, then the products are exceptional across all fields. From pharmaceuticals to banks and residential spaces, International Vault’s products stand out as superior solutions.
In the intricate tapestry of security, International Vault emerges as the weaver of resilience and strength. From the military-grade assurance embodied in the Class 5-B ballistic-rated doors to the versatility showcased in Modular Armories, International Vault’s offerings transcend conventional boundaries. As we explore exceptional applications in military and high-security sectors, the resounding message echoes beyond these domains. If our products stand strong in the rigorous environments of defense, they are unquestionably exceptional in safeguarding assets across pharmaceuticals, banks, residential spaces, and more. In a world where security knows no bounds, International Vault stands as the guardian of fortitude and versatility, ready to secure the future with unwavering strength.
Discover the unmatched resilience of our products. Connect with us 919-930-3074 or send us a message through our ‘Contact Us’ page for additional insights.